Publications & Papers
HF circuit models of inductors and windings
- Lumped
parameter models of single and multiple layer inductors, Power Electronics
Specialists Conefrence, PESC '96, Baveno (IT), June 24-27, 1996
- Stray
Capacitances of Single-Layer Air-Core Inductors for High-Frequency Applications,
Industry Applications Society Conference, IEEE-IAS '96, S. Diego (USA), October
5-10, 1996
- Equivalent
Circuit of Mush Wound AC Windings for High Frequency Analysis , IEEE
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE, Guimaraes (Pt), July
7-11, 1997
- High
Frequency Lumped Parameter Model for AC Motor Windings, European Conference
on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE, Trondheim (N), September 8-10,
- Optimal
Design of Single-Layer Solenoid Air-Core Inductors for High Frequency Applications,
40th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, - Sacramento CA (USA), August
3-6, 1997
- Modello
Circuitale di Induttori Avvolti su Nucleo Ferromagnetico per Applicazioni
ad Alta Frequenza, Atti della XV Riunione Annuale dei Ricercatori
di Elettrotecnica, ET'99, L'Aquila (IT), 24-26 Giugno 1999
- High-Frequency
Small-Signal Model of Ferrite Core Inductors, IEEE Transactions on
Magnetics, Vol. 35, No. 5, Sept. 1999
- Stray
Capacitances of Single-Layer Air-Core Inductors, IEEE Transactions
on Industry Applications, Vol. 35, No. 5, Sept./Oct. 1999
- High
Frequency Behavior of Laminated Iron-Core Inductors for Filtering Applications,
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC, New Orleans,
Louisiana (USA), February 6-10, 2000
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