Alma Mater Studiorum Universitࠤi Bologna

Vai a: Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica Facoltà di Ingegneria  

Research topics

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Power generation
Transmission systems
Distribution systems
Electricity utilization           

The lab carries out research in the following areas:

1.1 Dynamics of the auxiliaries of thermal power stations and construction of relevant models for their implementation in training simulators for system operators.
(in collaboration with: ENEL-CRA)

1.2 Dynamic behaviour of steam power plants repowered by gas turbines during autonomous start-up manoeuvres after a blackout.
(in collaboration with: CESI and Czech System Operator)

1.3 Distributed generation.
(in collaboration with: CESI, University of Padova - DIE, University of Bologna - DIEM)

For each of these topics, the objectives of the research activity, the main obtained results, as well as the references to the published papers, are provided in the pages linked to the title of the section.


2.1 Computer simulation of the dynamic behaviour of electrical power systems, with particular reference to voltage instability and collapse phenomena.
(in collaboration with: University of Padova - DIE)

2.2 Models and software tools for the solution of optimization problems faced by the electricity industry in a competitive market.
(in collaboration with: University of Pisa - DI, University of Pisa - DSEA, University of Bologna - DEIS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

2.3 Power system restoration after a blackout, in a competitive electricity market.
(in collaboration with: University of Genoa - DIE and University of Pisa - DSEA)

For each of these topics, the objectives of the research activity, the main obtained results, as well as the references to the published papers, are provided in the pages linked to the title of the section.


3.1 Protection of distribution networks against the effects of indirect lighting for improving the power.
(in collaboration with: EPFL-LRE, University of Rome La Sapienza - DIE, University of Florida, CESI, ENEL distribuzione)

3.2 . Automatic power quality measurement system.
(in collaboration with: University of Bologna - DIE - Measurement group, CESI)

For each of these topics, the objectives of the research activity, the main obtained results, as well as the references to the published papers, are provided in the pages linked to the title of the section.


4.1 LV self-healing metallized polypropylene capacitors for power applications
(in collaboration with: University of Bologna - DIE - Measurement group, ITALFARAD)

4.2 Tubular-plate lead-acid accumulators and Ni-Zn batteries performance for electric vehicles applications.
(in collaboration with: University of Pisa, Ducati Energia)

4.3 Power systems plants for in-situ vitrification of Contaminated Soils.
(in collaboration with: University of Bologna - DISTEGA, Montecatini - Environmental Research Centre, HERA)

For each of these topics, the objectives of the research activity, the main obtained results, as well as the references to the published papers, are provided in the pages linked to the title of the section.