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Seminars of the LISEP


20 may 1996, System overvoltages and insulation coordination and the Electromagnetic Transient program (EMTP), Prof. Dr. Atef MORCHED, Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Canada


6 november 1998, Simplified modelling of transmission line ligtning performance: the IEEE flash appraoch. Grounding for lightning and fault protection., Dr. Bill CHISHOLM, Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Canada.


13 may 1999, I simulatori in tempo reale realizzati da ENEL per lo studio della dinamica degli impianti di produzione di energia elettrica. Illustrativo delle esperienze di modellistica dinamica di processi industriali complessi, Silvano Spelta ENEL/SRI/AG/UAD, Il simulatore ingegneristico per lo studio della manovra di riavvio di un gruppo termoelettrico ripotenziato con turbina a gas. Illustrativo dei risultati di uno studio effettuato in collaborazione fra ENEL Ricerca ed Universitŕ di Bologna, Gianluigi Migliavacca ENEL/SRI/AG/UAD.


6 september 1999, Current issues on lightning protection in electric power systems with particular reference to transmission lines, Dr. Francisco DE LA ROSA, Chairman del Working Group 33.01 "LIGHTNING" della Conférence Internationale des Grands Réseaux Electriques (CIGRE)
(presentation available )


5 november 1999, ADVANCES IN VOLTAGE STABILITY AND SECURITY ANALYSIS, Dr. Thierry VAN CUTSEM Directeur de Recherches F.N.R.S. Institut d'Électricité Montefiore Université de Ličge


3 may 2000, Reactive Security Study of a Large Power System: Load Modelling, Analysis and Coordinated Control, Prof. Dr. David J. HILL, Direttore della School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Sydney University, Australia
(presentation available )


24 may 2000, Power System Dynamics and the MODES Network Simulator, Dr. Karel Máslo, Česká přenosová soustava (ČEPS), a. s. (Czech Transmission Company)
(presentation available )


25 may 2001, Liberalisation of the Scandinavian electricity markets. Experiences since 1991., Prof. Dr. Göran Andersson, Electric Power System Group, ETH-Zentrum, Zürich


13 september 2002, TRANSIENT ANALYSIS IN POWER SYSTEMS, Akihiro AMETANI, Professor Power System Analysis Laboratory Doshisha University, Kyotanabe Campus, Japan