Personale |
![]() Professore Ordinario Brief Curriculum of Professor Carlo Alberto Nucci (November 2003) Carlo Alberto Nucci was born in Bologna, Italy, in 1956. Received a degree with honors in electrical engineering in 1982 from the University of Bologna. Joined the same university in 1982 as researcher in the Power Electrical Engineering Institute. Associate professor in the same University in 1992. Full professor in Power Systems in 2000. He has been responsible for several International projects supported from the Italian side by the National Science Fundation (C.N.R.) and involving foreign universities, such as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Power network laboratory), the University of Florida, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, the University of Sidney. Prof. Nucci is member of the IEEE Working Group 'Lightning performance of Distribution lines’, of the CIGRE Working group C4.01 'Lightning' (of which he is also convener), of the CIGRE Working group C4.07 'Power quality indices and objectives', of the Joint CIGRE/CIRED WG on 'Protection of distribution networks against lightning'. He is also member of the Executive board of the EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership) and chairman of the EES-UETP Technical Program Committee. He is member of the Technical/Scientific Committees of various International Conferences and Symposia (e.g. Int. Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Int. Conference on Power System Transients (IPST), Powercon 2004, PSCC2005, Int. Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA); has been the technical co-chairman of the Technical Committee of the 5th International Symposium of Power System Transients, IPST 01, 2001, and has been the Chairman of the 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech in Bologna, June 2003. He is the Chair of the IEEE PowerTech Permanent Steering Committee. Since October 25, 2002, he is the Chair of the IEEE Central & South Italy/North Italy PES Chapter in Region 8. His present research interests concern:
For details see the web page of the Laboratory of Electrical Power Systems (LISEP) He is author or co-author of more than 150 scientific papers published on reviewed journals or presented at international conferences, and of some book chapters. Publications of Carlo Alberto Nucci See enclosed list |