versione italiana



Short Curriculum Vitae of  Antonio MORANDI


Antonio Morandi was born in Polla (SA), Italy, on August 5th 1973.

From September 1998 to March 1999 he joined, as research student, the Professor Nitta laboratory, at the University of Tokyo, Japan, where he was concerned with experimental analysis of Inductive type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter.

He received the Master Degree from the University of Bologna on July 1999.


From September 1999 to November 2000 he joined the Department of Industrial Engineering of the Turin Technical University, where he was concerned with modulation techniques for direct AC\AC static converter of matrix type.

Since November 2000 he is with the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Bologna, where is in charge of the Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity. His research interests are on numerical modeling, Applied Superconductivity and material characterization. He is also engaged in teaching activity, as tutor for several courses.

Antonio Morandi is now last year PhD student in Electrical Engineering


Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity

Magnetohydrodynamic Engineering laboratory